Make Life Easier with Relational Database & Node.js with sequelize-utility

1 min readSep 5, 2019


As far as we know, Sequelize is the most used tool among the relational database users as an ORM. The alternatives are of course Bookshelf, node-orm2 and so on… But the most popular one is Sequelize. (19k+ GitHub star at the time of writing this article.)

Sequelize as a daily driver of Relational DB users, at least I was missing some handy method which I need almost every hour. Manually writing those things is quite annoying. That’s why I thought, isn’t it nice if I create some helpers for the things that I need that often.

That’s when sequelize-utility comes into the picture. I created this lib just to combine some sequelize feature with each other.

Hope this will help you out also. Just check it out.



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